The Toledo Kennel Club is a not-for-profit organization of dog owners, breeders, performance enthusiasts and show exhibitors dedicated to the welfare and advancement of purebred dogs.
It is chartered in the State of Ohio as a nonprofit corporation and operates under the Rules and Regulations of the American Kennel Club. It is a member of the American Kennel Club and participates in the governance of that body through an elected delegate
The Toledo Kennel Club is a public service and educational resource for the community. It is committed to the promotion of responsible dog breeding and ownership, conducts training classes for dogs and owners, sponsors seminars, health clinics and other events, and holds Dog Shows and Matches under AKC rules.
Offering classes in various disciplines, TKC help make your pet a member of the family with good living habits. If you wish, our advanced classes offer you the knowledge and polish you need to compete in a multitude of AKC competitions where you can earn titles.
Member since 2009. Started training in Rally in 2008 so we could teach our 4-H kids, Rally. Went on to show in Obedience and CPE Agility. Have earned CDX BN GN RAE2 FDC ACT2 CGCA CGCU TKI and CPE C-ATCH 2.
Mary became a TKC member in 2010. Her breed is Golden Retrievers, and she enjoys competing in Agility, Obedience, Rally, Scentwork and Tracking.
Along with her vice president duties Joyce has acted as our show chairman for our June shows for many years.
Donna has been involved in showing dogs since 1967 in conformation, obedience, rally and agility; showing dogs in all 7 groups. Currently, she is showing her border collies in obedience, rally, and agility.
She has been a member of the Toledo Kennel Club since 1986 and most of that time has served in some position on the Board.
Teresa has been a TKC member since 2014. Her breed is Keeshonden, and she enjoys competing in Conformation.
Penny has been working with dogs before she could drive. As a child she had beagle mixes, Dobermans, and fox terriers. Penny has had Golden Retrievers for the past 28 years is an amateur handler in Conformation the past 12 years with several Champions. Penny also enjoys working with private dog students, teaching Obedience classes and is an AKC CGC Evaluator. Penny is President of Golden Retriever Club of Greater Toledo, member of Andy’s Army Canine Cancer Research, and breeds Goldens Retrievers. When Penny is not working with dogs Penny is the Nursing Supervisor of ProMedica Toledo and ProMedica BayPark hospitals.
Laura enjoys training and competing in Conformation, Rally, Obedience, Agility, Lure Coursing, Scent Work & trick training with her Whippets.